Graphic: Justin Tranchita

For Justin Tranchita’s Patreon pitch, I designed a series of reward tier graphics utilizing his brand colors and imagery.

Graphic: Hopscotch the Globe

For Hopscotch the Globe’s Patreon page, I made a series of graphics for their banner and rewards section, following along their theme and branding.

Graphic: Hellthy Junk Food

For Hellthy Junk Food’s Patreon pitch, I created graphics for the page and reward tiers inspired from their website brand and logo.

Graphic: Glowpinkstah

I created a series of graphics for Glowpinkstah’s Patreon page – she was thrilled!


Graphic: Doug Benson

When pitching Doug Benson’s Patreon page, I created a series of graphics outlining his rewards.

Graphic: Clash With Ash

When helping to build Clash With Ash’s Patreon page, I created a set of graphics based off Clash of Clans, with this special “Victory!” graphic when patrons successfully sign up.

Graphic: Captain Awkward

While helping to pitch Captain Awkward’s Patreon page, I created a series of reward tier graphics using her avatar for inspiration.